""" signal.signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL) signal.signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL) signal.signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL) # restore the handler for SIGINT, # it's useful for debugging (show the stacktrace before exit) signal.signal(SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler) # Read the socket using fdopen instead of socket.makefile() because the latter # seems to be very
To use the fdopen() function you need a file descriptor. To get a descriptor use the POSIX function open(). The O_APPEND flag is a mode for open(). Modes for open() are defined in QSYSINC/H/FCNTL. For further information see the APIs topic in the Information Center. It uses the C function fdopen to turn the socket from a low-level file descriptor to a C-style FILE pointer. This will allow the use of fprintf later on. It checks the time, and prints it in the ISO 8601 format to the client “ file ”. It then uses fclose to close the file. That will automatically close the socket as well. Making socket:connect work after .fdopen would be much more involved. If you really need it please open a new ticket. I'm not sure, yet, how to address it. The pattern doesn't fit well with the low-level socket library abstraction. 166 struct mnl_socket *mnl_socket_fdopen(int fd) 167 {168 int ret; 169 struct mnl_socket *nl; 170 struct sockaddr_nl addr; 171 socklen_t General description. Associates a stream with an open file descriptor. A stream is a pointer to a FILE structure that contains information about a file. A stream permits user-controllable buffering and formatted input and output. socket.recvmsg_into (buffers [, ancbufsize [, flags]]) ¶ Receive normal data and ancillary data from the socket, behaving as recvmsg() would, but scatter the non-ancillary data into a series of buffers instead of returning a new bytes object.
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glibc: socket and fdopen. P: n/a Thomas Jollans. I am playing around with sockets and have the following problem. I have the socket newsock created by accept(). This man 2 open man 2 read man 2 write man 3 fdopen Sockets. A socket is a communications endpoint. Datagram socket: Can send/receive datagrams — discrete chunks of data. Analogy: mailbox. Stream socket: is one end of a connection. A connection is a private communication channel between two communicating processes. The file descriptor may have been obtained from open(), creat(), pipe(), dup(), fcntl(), or socket(); inherited through fork(), posix_spawn(), or exec; or perhaps obtained by other means. The meanings of the mode arguments of fdopen() and fopen() differ.
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The following are 40 code examples for showing how to use socket.makefile().They are from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the ones you don't like. You may also check out all available functions/classes of the module socket, or try the search function . Remarks. The setsockopt function sets the current value for a socket option associated with a socket of any type, in any state. Although options can exist at multiple protocol levels, they are always present at the uppermost socket level. Options affect socket operations, such as whether expedited data (OOB data for example) is received in the normal data stream, and whether broadcast messages Thanks for all those who replied. Finally I used this idea with more specific examples from Linux socket programming chap 10 "using standard IO on sockets". fdopen is fine but make sure you use different streams for input and output